Are You a Fashion Laggard or Trendsetter?

A popular saying goes ‘Courage favors the brave’ and likewise laggards are slow pace movers who cannot adapt to the pace of consistent change. Fashion in many ways depicts and moves fast and one can easily be left behind in the style stakes. So question yourself; how do you know and tell what is in fashion and what is not? Are you a fashion laggard or are you a trendsetter with your pulse tuned into the latest hot designs and styles.

For latest custom suit designs and styles shopping at BTS Nana is an engaging experience that sets in the trendsetter and marks out your style and appeal. But why is it common place to see many wearers struggle to break the fashion faux pas (debacle and mistake)? What are the characteristic traits of a trendsetter and laggard? These points iron out some strength and positives of each choice.

Characteristics of Laggards and Trendsetters

  • Trendsetters are knowledgeable to the minute details of quality fabrics, good stitches, service quality and aspire for uncompromising top class finished products. Laggards are consensual to what lies in between and can take anything that fits and looks good. They compromise on several aspects of their look.
  • Laggards are slow to adapt to new fashion trends and care less of modern fashion styles or image. Trendsetters are ever conscious of their image, new fashion trends and are ever adapting something new in their wardrobe for their defining style.
  • Passionate trendsetters are creative, innovative and move with the pulse of the season to present themselves each time in a new light and way. They strive for attention and detail. Laggards are slow to accept the new styles and need time to grow into mode of acceptance or adapting.

Overall, for trendsetters latest custom suit style trends are a standard whereas for the laggards compromise standards.


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