How Does Body Shape Affect Suit Drape?

For many custom suit lovers and those smitten by the look good bug a suits drape means a lot in terms of looking and feeling great. However custom suits look and turn out on each body as determined by several factors especially the body shape, several personal postures and above all the suits fitting finesse or finishing by the skillful master tailor. When shopping in central Bangkok, tailors take time to make at least three fittings driven primarily by perfection but just as well comfort in several postures and sitting positions. Through stride, standing, leaning or hunched, sitting, flexing or stretch and as many other positions that may occur as one goes on with personal activities drape should still retain  a high level of fine look. For good drape properties these factors are always very important and taken care of.

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Body Shape and Effect on Draping Properties

While moving different bodies will need varied space or freedom for stretch and relaxation in the fabrics and fully designed suits. That’s why measurements are done and redone again to put all factors in consideration. Some fabrics offer minimal fiber stretch but some relax with time, wear and dry cleaning.

Standing Still Position – a relaxed position is always preferred to ensure the body is at its best posture. Moreover suits are designed to ensure maximum comfort and mobility even from the standing position.   

Posture and Personal Height – height brings a different perspective as making overly long pants or coat seems out of turn and sync. For better draping the suits height reflects the height, ease and possible postures of the wearer.

Hunched Leaning Position – many wearers are bound to sit or lean from activity or the other. Body shape is critical here as different bodies will go different angles and exert fabrics differently. Moreover the manner of detailed stitch can determine the level or extent of comfortable stretch without tear or damage and retaining the ease of suit drape.       


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